Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Getting to know your child

Welcome to our class! I am pleased to be your child's teacher this year. For one short year, you and I are partners in your child's education. I hope we can work together to ensure your child is happy, successful and achieves to the best of his/her ability. You all should have received a letter that gave you a little insight about myself as an educator. If you did not receive a letter or have misplaced and would like to read to your child before our first day of school I have added the link below

Teacher Introduction Letter 2017

Like many of your children this is also my first year here at East Elementary. Last year I taught kindergarten in Edmonton. I am so excited to be closer to home in a community that I love! On the first day of school I will be sending home quite a few documents providing you with information, however I love the idea of providing you all with frequent, up to date information about what is going on in our classroom. In the past sending home that monthly newsletter not only limits the amount of information I can provide you with, it is just adding clutter to your desk and also isn't easily accessible when you are looking for a specific date/event/ information. This blog I can provide you with an insight of your child's learning in a more interesting way! You have learned a little about myself, now it is critical for myself as a teacher to have a deeper understanding about your child. Please take a few minutes to yourself and complete the following questions for me.

Getting to Know your Child

 If you need to inform me of a quick piece of information, for example if your child has a doctors appointment at 11, you want me to call you after school, you want to inform me about your child having a rough night etc. the agenda is a GREAT place to inform me of those quick notes. We will be checking and writing in our agendas first thing in the morning so any notes you write in there I will see right away. Your child's agenda and kanga will be coming home every night. Be sure to look for it, in it will be a message written by your child to do any of the following:

  • Outline homework assignments
  • Communicate learning that has occurred that day
  • Reinforce concepts covered in class
  • Request materials needed at school
  • Relay reminders and information to you, the parents.
Your role is to allow your child to share each day's entry with you and assist your child in responding to the message in the appropriate manner, whether that is just having a discussion, doing the homework task, collecting the desired materials that are needed at school at the specified time. Of course some days there will not be a task, but your cooperation in this will be greatly appreciated. Please help your child learn to be responsible for this book and the work to be done in it. It will mostly benefit your child and prepare the for later school experiences. I hope that you, the parents, will also enjoy your child's sharing and enthusiasm about his school learning. 
 I would really appreciate if you would sign the agenda each day.

I promise that these posts will be much more interesting once your amazing children fill the room and the learning begins!