Thursday, April 19, 2018

Week 30

Looking at the ceiling art during our Art Walk

Hi everyone! It has been a busy week with lots of new exciting things going on here in 1PB. On Monday we had our very first swimming lesson. It was a chilly walk but the kids had so much fun. if your child has been in swimming lessons before could you please send their report cards to me ASAP to give to the instructor. Tuesday we also had the districts occupational therapist and OTA in the classroom here to work with the children on their printing skills. We worked on our 'flagpole letters.' Christine and I have been on the children this week to continue to better our printing skills, specifically starting our letters at the top. Class pictures were this week and all of the children were looking sharp! We also had the Jump Rope for Heart kick off assembly this morning and the students had a blast. You will find the fundraiser envelope in their kanga pouches tonight.

Language- This week we focused on working with R blend words. We also learned about what past tense is. Identifying the past tense verb in writing was very difficult for the children to do but we continue to practice throughout the day. Perhaps something you could do during home reading as one of your reading questions. We continue to work on our reading comprehension skills every single day. We are slowly becoming more confident in pulling out the keywords in the question to help us fine the answer in the reading.

Math: We continue to work through our various Fairy Tale math centers this week practicing our measurement skills. The students had a checklist of items in the classroom that they had to use a paperclip to determine how many units each item was in length.

Social: This week we continue to look at how family dynamics can be similar and different from our own. We have talked about and celebrated that families come in all different shapes and sizes just like us as individuals but we discussed what are some of the most important things about a family. The children came up with some beautiful answers. Next week I will need all of your help again helping your child come up with traditions your family may have.

Science: We continue to learn about the various aspects of spring. We introduced the names for certain baby animals that tend to be born in the spring and have written about why spring is so moody sometimes as it has been this year.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Week 28... I think.

Hello all! We had a wonderful first week back to school. The class has been working so hard Mrs. Cameron and I have been so impressed! Things to note for next week:
-Monday: Swimming lesson registration is due!
-Tuesday: I will be sending an information sheet home from AHS about the printing/motor movement module we will be starting in a few weeks with the Occupational Therapist assistant.
-Wednesday: Library day and Popcorn day
-Friday: Spelling test

Language: We have been working on our daily reading comprehension pages this week. We have been using the 5W question words lots this week to try and get more comfortable to pull the information out. We have been practicing pulling the keywords from the question to help us find the answer in the text. We also started working with S and L blend words. We will be continuing with this next week. 

Math: The beginning of the week the students did a brief addition and subtraction review with the substitute teacher. When I returned I introduced our measuring unit to the kids. We looked at using pencils as a measuring tool this week. What inconsistencies did we come across if we used two different sized pencils, how do we accurately measure using this tool etc. We introduced the terms longer, shorter and the same when comparing two different items.

Science: We started working through our spring season workbook. We focused on the different weather changes that are going to happen as the season comes around. We also did cross-curricular looking at using and reading compound words that have rain in it.

Social: In social we have began to look more closely at our own families. We looked at our full names this week and how each of ours in unique. I told them the story of why I have the hyphenated name yet I am still a Miss, I also told them the story of why my parents chose my first and middle name. I have sent home a questionnaire today that requires your help to teach your kiddo why you chose their first and last name. On the back ignore the part about the family tree in the instructions, however please take the time to teach your child about their name as well as about when and why they moved to this community. I was quite shocked how many kiddos did not know their middle name or how to spell their last name. We had to log into good old PowerSchool to look many of them up. 

Monday, April 2, 2018

Happy Easter!

Hi all! I hope that you all had a wonderful Spring break. Just a few things, unfortunately I will not be here tomorrow as I have been juror summoned. If you read this before Tuesday morning perhaps just warn your kiddos as we do not have the best track record for unexpected subs. A few more reminders for this week, please also note the important dates for the month on the side.
-Library day on Wednesday
-We will not be doing spelling this week as we get back into the swing of things
-Please sign up for swimming lessons
-Twin dress up day is on Friday

I am sending you all a big thank you! First thank you to all of you that were able to attend our student led conferences prior to the break. It was wonderful to see the excitement and pride the kiddos had to show you all their hard work. Another big thank you for all you do! In the hustle and mayhem that is 1PB I am one lucky teacher to have so many amazing parents and children to come to work to every single day!

This week we will be starting our differentiated reading comprehension in Language. I have created daily reading comprehension pages that are differentiated to your child's current reading ability. I have been so happy with how many kiddos have been bringing back their home reading consistently, I have seen a huge improvement in the last few months in a lot of their reading confidence. We will be continuing to work on basic grammar concepts when writing as well as starting to look into various blends.

In math we will be doing a quick review of addition and subtraction concepts before introducing our next unit-measurement

In science we will be taking a look at the seasonal changes that are starting to happen as we enter into spring. I have some fun activities that I cannot wait to share with the kids.

Social we will be starting our family changes, I will be needing your involvement and assistance in this unit as the children will be coming home with various questions/ activities that they will definitely need you help in answering. We will be looking more deeply into family traditions and changes.

See you all on Wednesday :)